Shenyang Piotec Technology Co.,LTD.
Shenyang Piotec Technology Co.,LTD.


PIOTEC的六位高级管理人员和工程师于1月4日至5日前往HIT大学 (哈尔滨工业大学) 进行IUR (产学研) 合作交流。

Piotec and HIT University Carry Out in-Depth IUR Cooperation

Piotec and HIT University Carry Out in-Depth IUR Cooperation

Piotec and HIT University Carry Out in-Depth IUR Cooperation

Piotec and HIT University Carry Out in-Depth IUR Cooperation

双方就 “物联网、边缘计算和操作系统、工业互联网操作系统” 等多个主题进行了讨论和交流。HIT的长江学者和博士生导师吴教授和李教授还就 “如何协调创新,展望未来,并找到智能制造的新方向”。

Piotec and HIT University Carry Out in-Depth IUR Cooperation

Piotec and HIT University Carry Out in-Depth IUR Cooperation

Piotec and HIT University Carry Out in-Depth IUR Cooperation

Piotec and HIT University Carry Out in-Depth IUR Cooperation

